Thursday, October 25, 2012


Veanlo en el idioma que prefieran, pero es una muy buena solución a cuando queres calcular un desvío estandar condicional (no entiendo porque hay sumas, conteos, promedios condicionales pero no desvíos)

Tomado de


o en español


Lo más importante de esto es que hay que ingresarlo como fórmula matricial, o sea, dando CTRL+SHIFT+ENTER

Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Gmail in your Blackberry

I use Gmail as my primary email, and have struggled between choosing among the different ways of reading it in my berry.
Until now, I used the Gmail app for Blackberry. Yesterday I found out it was deprecated on November 2011 by Google. No wonder it was malfunctioning a lot lately, specially with the search. I used it primarily because Google recommended as the best way of reading your mail in your berry, because of some incompatibilities in the syncing between the native push email of the berry and Gmail.
Now that the app is deprecated, I was left with 2 options

  • Native push to the berry (i.e., registering the mail account in the berry as with any other)
  • Browsing to the Gmail web site
I finally decided to use a mix of both. I registered the account, because I can't afford to go to the site each time I want to check my mails (3G coverage is not that good in Argentina yet) and I really longed for the full array of features of writing mail directly in the berry. I can use the site if I want to make a search of an old mail (however it seems that you can do that in your berry by using "server search")

Until know I like the way the pushed mail works, except for one big flaw: If you read a mail in the Gmail site, and it has already been pushed, it won't appear as read in the berry. The reverse is not true, if you read a mail in your berry, it will almost instantly appear as read in the Gmail site. This is a known flaw in the IMAP integration (seems that berry hasn't got real IMAP, and also Google doesn't has it either, it has something called GMAP).  The berry already had conversation mode, and with the enhanced plugin for Gmail you can star mails and use labels (to use the plugin you must be inside your Gmail mail icon, not on your Messages icon).

So basically now you are stuck with using the push mail (unless you have a very fast internet connection in the phone, in that case you can just read in the mobile web site, which is very good also, specially with a big screen berry). The push is not so bad, just keep in mind that most of the syncing is done from the berry to the web, and not in reverse (in addition to the read status, starring and other properties of the mails won't be updated after they are pushed)

Thursday, December 8, 2011

Getting started with Python

Python is an amazing language, but specially in Windows (thats where the focus of this article will be), it takes some time to set it up (and understand all the possible configurations).
First you'll need a Python distribution. You can get the standard one, called CPython, from the official Python page. There are other alternatives, discussed below (all of them are also discused on the Python site)

  • IronPython, which is a totally different language, but with the same syntax (or very, very close). It targets the .Net framework, so if want to use Python interacting with .Net code, this is your best choice. We'll do a separate post for setting up IronPython, the rest of the post applies only to Python
  • Jython, which targets the Java Virtual Machine. Same thing here, you want to use Java code from Python, use Jython. Same thing as IronPython
  • Bundles from vendors (some free, some paid) This are usually versions of CPython with some that some of the most used python libraries and some IDE included
I used the Enthought distribution but the ActiveState is worth taking a look also. Of course you can also install the CPython distribution and then get the rest of the libraries and an IDE.
If you are running a 64 bits OS, you might want to try the 64 bit version of Python. The problem is that some packages have some compiled C which runs on 32 bits. So for better interoperability, I suggest always installing the 32 bits version of the distribution. If you need to manage huge amounts of data (over 2 Gb) then you might consider the 64 bits, but try to stick with the 32 bits version.
As for the choice between Python 2.x and 3.x, I stuck with 2.x cause of compatibility

After you get your distribution, you'll probably want to get the SetupTools package from PyPi, the official Python Package Index. It has a tool, Easy_Install, which allows you to install other packages really easy. SetupTools has a Windows installer

After having SetupTools, you should get NumPy and SciPy right away (at least if you plan to use Python to do some math calculations). NumPy and SciPy are included in the Enthough and ActiveState distributions. If you used the standard CPython installer, then you can use easy_install to get them

Some people just develop with a text editor (I recommend Notepad++, some people like the Scintilla-based SciTE) and the command prompt. To this, just create your python scripts with the text editor and the run them from the prompt using


The python.exe executable must be in the path, if you get "python is not a recognized..." then add the Python dir to the path

If you want an IDE, I have made a list (after looking for one myself). All of them have syntax completion and a debugger, besides an incorporated interactive python shell (very similar to running python in the cmd line and then start sending code)

  • Komodo Edit (I think it also comes bundled with the ActiveState distribution)
  • PyScripter
  • Spyder (requires installing PyQt) targeted to a Matlab used audience
  • IDLE (comes bundled with the Enthough distribution)
  • Eric Python IDE (I haven't used it but it is highly recommended, has several prerequisites)
Stay tuned for more Python related posts!

Thursday, September 15, 2011

Zotero on Chrome

Now it is possible to use Zotero directly from Chrome, no more opening Firefox just to browse and save papers.
It is recommended to also install Zotero Standalone, as that will work as a central repository for all you Zotero plugins (Chrome, Firefox and Safari). You can make it work with Zotero for Firefox being the central, but it isn't recommended.
Also, you should create a Zotero account to sync up your data to the Zotero server and keep it in a safe place. Definitely the best extension for managing papers

Thursday, September 8, 2011

Redirecting a domain to another

I've registered my first blog,, with its own .com domain using Blogspot, which was quite easy. After that, I wanted to register my local .com domain,, and redirect it to the .com. The steps were easy

  1. Register my domain. I did it with NIC AR, Argentina's domain manager
  2. Choose a DNS server. I used Afraid DNS, which is free. I created an account, and added my domain as a domain (duh!)
  3. Delegate the domain to a DNS server. I did it via NIC AR also, delegating it to Afraid's DNS servers (you'll see the ips and the addresses in the Domain menu inside Afraid)
  4. Create a redirection. In Afraid, go to the Web Forward menu, and choose the address to redirect your domain to. You can also do this via CNAME and A entries, but that's a story for another time
That's it! You'll probably have to wait for a couple of hours (your domain might appear as BROKEN in Afraid) until the registrar delegates the DNS